Those with valid
permanent account numbers ( PAN) and with high- value transactions
but who have not filed income tax (I- T) returns have reasons to worry even if they have
not received any notice from the I- T department as yet. A senior I- T official said, of
about 1.2 million selected, the department had planned to cover 150,000 assesses in the
first phase. It has already sent notices to 105,000 assesses. “This is only on a first cut
pilot basis currently and all those in the list will be tackled systematically in due course,”
said the official, requesting anonymity. He added the notices were being sent in a phased
manner, as handling large number of assesses at one go was difficult, stressing that the
number of notices sent this year was already much higher. The official said 70- 80 per
cent assesses, who had received notices, had already paid their tax dues. The ministrys
current crackdown is on tax evaders who have made significant transactions but not
disclosed their source of income to the department
but who have not filed income tax (I- T) returns have reasons to worry even if they have
not received any notice from the I- T department as yet. A senior I- T official said, of
about 1.2 million selected, the department had planned to cover 150,000 assesses in the
first phase. It has already sent notices to 105,000 assesses. “This is only on a first cut
pilot basis currently and all those in the list will be tackled systematically in due course,”
said the official, requesting anonymity. He added the notices were being sent in a phased
manner, as handling large number of assesses at one go was difficult, stressing that the
number of notices sent this year was already much higher. The official said 70- 80 per
cent assesses, who had received notices, had already paid their tax dues. The ministrys
current crackdown is on tax evaders who have made significant transactions but not
disclosed their source of income to the department